Concise guide contains instructions for filing a report along with a list of suitable communication and transmission channels.

Employees, self-employed workers, collaborators, volunteers and trainees, including unpaid people, who work for FSTechnology S.p.A.; workers or collaborators, who work for entities that provide goods or services or carry out works for third parties; freelancers and consultants who work for FSTechnology S.p.A.; shareholders and FSTechnology S.p.A.employees with administrative, management, control, supervisory or representative roles. These people report on breaches of which they have become aware as part of their job.

Reports may be submitted:

  • when the legal relationship has not yet begun, if information on breaches was acquired during the recruitment process or at other pre-contractual stages;
  • during the probationary period;
  • after the termination of the legal relationship if the information on breaches was acquired during the relationship.

Information on breaches involving facts (of any nature whatsoever, even if merely omissive), attributable to FS Italiane Group Employees or Third Parties, which may constitute:

  • breaches of the FSTechnology S.p.A. Model 231 and procedures for its implementation and/or of the Anti-Corruption Policy and the FSTechnology S.p.A. Anti-Bribery&Corruption management system (hereinafter "ABC system") and/or of the Code of Ethics and/or of the company's internal regulations and/or in any case likely to cause damage or harm, even only in terms of image or reputation, to the FS Group;
  • administrative, accounting, civil or criminal offences;
  • unlawful conduct pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001;
  • offences under the scope of European Union and national provisions implementing them;
  • acts or omissions detrimental to the financial interests of the European Union;
  • acts or omissions concerning the internal market (e.g. competition and state aid violations);
  • acts or conduct that undermine the object or purpose of the European Union provisions.

The reports must concern facts of which the Whistleblower has direct knowledge, with the Whistleblower having well-founded reasons to believe that the information reported is true at the time of the report.

Reports must be made promptly upon becoming aware of the facts in question in order to ensure that verification is fully possible.

FSTechnology S.p.A. provides the following channels for submitting reports:

  • IT platform: that can be accessed from the FSTechnology S.p.A. website -  - and the company intranet. This should be considered as the preferential channel as it is more suitable to guarantee, by means of IT modalities, confidentiality with regard to the identity of the Whistleblower and adequate information security measures;
  • ordinary mail: to the FSTechnology S.p.A. address, Technical Secretariat Ethics and Reporting Committee c/o FSTechnology S.p.A. Auditing - Piazza della Croce Rossa, 1 - 00161 Rome or Supervisory Body c/o FSTechnology S.p.A. Auditing - Piazza della Croce Rossa, 1 - 00161 Rome;
  • e-mail: to the address or;
  • telephone line with an Interactive Voice Response accessible at FSTechnology Spa dedicated phone number +39 0682950716;
  • verbally: through a statement issued by the Whistleblower to the FSTechnology S.p.A. Ethics and Reporting Committee/Supervisory Board, at a hearing set within a reasonable period of time, recorded in the minutes and signed by the Whistleblower.

Reports may enable the company to promptly detect and remedy unlawful or irregular events that may harm the interest and integrity of the Group or of third parties.

In compliance with the provisions of the law, FSTechnology S.p.A. guarantees the confidentiality of the Whistleblower’s identity as soon as the report is received and prohibits (and penalises to the extent permitted by its powers and authority) any direct or indirect form of retaliation or discrimination against the Whistleblower as a result of a report, including omissive conduct, also attempted or threatened, or directed at third parties associated with the Whistleblower, such as relatives, colleagues, legal entities owned by or working for the Whistleblowers, who are operating with the FS Italiane Group.

The Whistleblower is informed when the report is received and the results of investigations into the report.

FSTechnology S.p.A. protects the rights of Involved Persons, first of all by ensuring, in order to guarantee appropriate confidentiality, that any disclosure of their identity strictly follows the “need to know” criterion.

The Involved Person is informed of the existence and content of the report and receives a copy of the same, excluding any reference to the Whistleblower's identity, which may not in any event be disclosed to the Involved Person, except in the cases expressly provided for by law.

The Involved Person has the right to be informed of the outcome of the investigation, except in the cases expressly provided for in the relevant company procedure.

Reports can be sent anonymously. However, FSTechnology S.p.A. encourages that the Whistleblower's identity be disclosed in the report, for which confidentiality is guaranteed in compliance with the legislation in force, so that the reported facts can be verified more easily and the Whistleblower can be informed of the results of the investigations carried out.

The corporate bodies in charge (the Ethics and Reporting Committee and the Supervisory Board) check the content of the report and perform fact-finding activities on the reported facts to verify their validity and allow measures to be taken to prevent or sanction the irregularities or offences identified.

Slanderous or defamatory reports are prohibited and sanctioned in accordance with the law and by the Company's disciplinary measures.

Personal data is processed in compliance with the relevant applicable legislation. All information on the processing purposes and methods are available on the FSTechnology S.p.A. website and on the company intranet.