Cyber attacks pose a major threat to the proper operation of all transport services; railways can also be the target of physical or cyber attacks, which is why many related studies and tests aim to strengthen and improve the resilience of these critical infrastructures to external threats. Thanks to the results of PRECINCT, FSTechnology's (hereinafter FST) safety strategy will be supported with the creation of a comprehensive vision and the management of combined risks and accidents with the Italian railway network and local public transport (including other critical infrastructures).
FST is involved in Operation Living Lab Bologna, whose main objective is to establish a model of dependencies and cascading threats for the main players involved in the LL which, in addition to FST, are Lepida, the Institute on Transport and Logistics, Bologna Airport and Marconi Express.
A first PRECINCT ecosystem platform will be implemented by Lepida to support LL development. As the main output, the PRECINCT system will emphasise the cascading effects of critical infrastructures in order to identify possible and suitable solutions in a real situation, testing new scenarios never experienced before. FST's role is crucial as it is able to provide useful data sources to identify key scenarios in the context of interdependencies and, in parallel, will be able to contribute to the development of the concept of Digital Twin, which will be exploited by the project.
FST is currently working on the definition of threat scenarios together with the partners of the Italian Living Lab. This activity is the first step necessary to identify the most vulnerable points within the Living Lab area. Upcoming tasks include starting the Living Lab's operational activities and supporting the construction of the Digital Twin.
For further information, please refer to the newsletter available at the following link.